Special Solutions for All Industries
Why choose a customized solution from Whitebox? We develop products or UV-C light devices that enable your organization to perform without virus, bacteria and pathogen problems.
The Power of a Special Solution
Through a combination of innovation and technology we take any challenge with virus and bacteria as a mission to develop a new solution. As the norm of being virus and bacteria free in various industries change, so do our customer’s needs, as well as the way disinfection needs to be executed. We develop a fast disinfection solution to your problem that eliminate virus and bacteria within seconds. We take pride in automatization and reduce efforts of traditional cleaning so that it is good for your business. Try us, we keep costs down to be affordable.
Superior in reducing the risk of infection and keeping staff and customers safe
We have proven cases of providing innovative, efficient, and affordable UV-C technologies with quick payoff compared to traditional disinfection. Our products are automatic; a surface is disinfected in seconds. We have independent government university laboratory tests from CLASS 3 LAB supporting our technology. For example, we have proven that we eliminate 100% of a SARS-COV2/COVID-19 population in less them 5 seconds.
Show That You Care When Making a Profit
We provide a comprehensive range of solutions to reduce the risk of infection. We take pride in fitting in with existing logistics and work routines. The goal is always to make thing more efficient and quicker. We also provide life-cycle service support and maintenance.
We are able to provide leasing options and alternative ways of payment, including service solutions with a “pay-for-use” arrangement.

Products / Customised Products
We offer design UV-C light solutions for disinfection purposes to assist our clients in their ambition to avoid disinfection in sectors such as medicine, transport, and retail but also office spaces, heavy industry or sports.
Our principles are always the same. Rapid design and solutions, light and technology simulation, prototype tests, validation & cost-efficient production.