Benefits of UVC
The Difficult-to-Solve-Problem for UVC
Hospitals have for a long time been receiving attention as a source for acquisition and spread of resistant pathogens among hospitalized patients. Science reports infection risks by “resistant super bugs” are also found elsewhere, such as in supermarkets, retail environments and at public spaces such as airports. To mentions some examples. There are a several key organisms who is behind this and who survive long enough on surfaces to cause significant infection risk among patients.
Pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and Acinetobacter spp, are all known to cause difficult infections, which is a problem because they can survive in days and even weeks on surfaces. This is also the case for and Clostridium difficile (C. diff.) spores that can survive up to 5 months. These are the difficult organisms for severe infection, but influenza viruses and other types of bacteria are also known to survive for a long time on surfaces. The virus SARS-COV2 who is causing COVID-19, for example, survives at least three days on a surface.
Scientific studies have tested and concluded that traditional strategies for terminal room disinfection inadequate. In a study in Journal of Hospital Infection, it is reported that 50% or more hospital surfaces go uncleaned following terminal room disinfection. The same type of results has been reported in areas such as supermarkets or airports. For example research has been done where they found more than 80 times the bacteria on the shopping trolley handles than on the handles of the public bathroom door handles. The areas where multiple persons touch with hands report high levels of viruses and bacteria. In a study from 2018 where scientists swabbed frequently touched surfaces at Helsinki Airport, it was reported significant levels of corona type of virus, the source of the common cold, and of the influenza A virus. The highest pathogen levels were reported at the security checks where 50% of the trays for hand luggage contained such pathogens. The same alarming levels were at the buttons at the payment terminal, but a list of other areas is also mentioned. Other studies report similar alarming levels exists on shopping baskets or shopping carts. They are often concluded to have more virus and bacteria compared to a public toilet.
The Effectiveness of UVC
UVC light disinfection is a well-documented inactivation approach for all known microorganisms and viruses. In fact, UVC provides many advantages over conventionally utilized liquid disinfectants, which are important for many different environments where exposure to viruses and bacteria could constitute an infection risk.
UVC is fast, bacteria and viruses are eliminated in seconds. UVC is also efficient. Duke University Medical Center and University of North Carolina Health Care initiated an effect study of UVC in hospital rooms.
229 environmental surfaces were sampled in the rooms over 15 months to test contributions to manual room cleaning by housekeeping personnel. There was a calculated reduction of more than 91 percent in any pathogen detected from all sampled sites. Additionally, a greater than 92-percent reduction was achieved for all three target organisms (97.89% for VRE, 92.95% for C. diff. and 98.07% for Acinetobacter).
Why Use UVC?
Coupled with traditional infection control policy, UVC can contribute with a complementary disinfection approach to create safer environments. The usage can be in all areas in industries, such as in schools or at care homes for elderly people. UVC can be an alternative to traditional cleaning or a complement to traditional cleaning routines.
UVC radiation is effective, safe, and cost effective for the eradication of all viruses and bacteria. It is extremely efficient. Evidence supports the superior role of UVC radiation in successfully inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus at very low UVC light doses.
Our own tests with our own LED modules in an independent government university hospital laboratory reports 100% of living coronavirus to be eliminated in less than 5 seconds. As other bacteria and viruses, coronaviruses are extremely sensitive to UVC. UVC LED is energy efficient and environmentally friendly. This is not the case for chemical disinfection liquids or other similar solutions, which are hazardous for the environment.